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While lots of contractors say that their work is guaranteed, they rarely say what the guarantee entails.
We'd like to share our guarantee for the work that we perform:

Drilling Water Wells
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1. We guarantee that we adhere to Construction Standards for Water Wells and Monitoring Wells as described in Subchapter 6 and Subchapter 8 of the Administrative Rules of Montana.
2. We guarantee that our drillers are licensed by the State of Montana and that their licenses are current.
3. We guarantee that someone will return your call within 24 hours if you leave a message on our answering machine.
4. We guarantee that our crew will arrive at your well location or meeting site at the time agreed upon, or will phone you if they are delayed.
5. We guarantee that we will use high-quality materials that are appropriate for your well site, depth, and planned use.
6. We guarantee that the depth and yield that we report are accurate. 
7. We guarantee that the well we construct for you will not pump sand or mud.

Web Site Links

Montana Water Well Drillers Association: www.mwwda.org
Montana Board of Water Well Contractors: http://dnrc.mt.gov/wrd/water_op/bwwc/default.asp
To verify that a driller is licensed to drill water wells in Montana: http://www.mwwda.org/contractor.asp
Call before you dig: www.Montana811.org
​Ground Water Information Center Click here --->                        (to see if your well log is registered with the state of Montana)
To download Form 602 to file for Montana Water Rights: http://www.dnrc.mt.gov/wrd/water_rts/wr_general_info/wrforms/602.pdf
To look up well logs by owner's name or location:
We recommend that you choose your well driller in the same way you would choose your dentist. Ask your friends and neighbors for recommendations. Can the drilling company provide references? Do they have the proper equipment? Does their equipment look well cared for? Are they friendly and courteous? What kinds of materials do they use? Is their pricing in line with a quality product?

Remember, if the price seems too good to be true, it most likely is. Be sure that you get the well you want rather than to ask for a headache by looking for a bargain. Consider also that good water wells enhance the re-sale value of your property. And always be sure that the driller you select is fully licensed, bonded and insured in the state where the well is to be located.